Friday, 13 May 2011

Your New Right-Wing Media

Pogge ruminated today on the subject of how he believes political pundits are likely to treat the NDP moving into the future:
I would expect that more articles like the column by Jeffrey Simpson in today's Globe and Mail are in our future. I'm sure that speculating about the possibility of internal dissent in the NDP will be a new national pastime for political pundits. At least, for that portion of the nation's pundits who want to undermine the NDP.
The Canadian media almost exclusively is a business elite media.  I can't think of any significant and influential working class papers other then the Sun franchise, which itself is just a mouthpiece of capital.  Canada doesn't have any papers that have acted as organs for socialist thought on a wider scale such as The Guardian has done for the United Kingdom.  This puts the New Democrats at a disadvantage as they're going to be confronting an almost united hostile editorial stance to its ideological disposition.  It's true that the Toronto Star endorsed the NDP this election around, but they were one paper amongst many and a Toronto-based news print can't be expected to move minds that far outside of Ontario.

Papers such as The Globe and Mail and the Winnipeg Free Press generally take liberal positions on civil rights and social issues such as same-sex marriage, multiculturalism, etc. but they also rigidly support capital on issues such as free trade and corporation taxation.  While the Liberal Party fit this liberal-conservative position most of the time and some of these papers were in fact founded as Liberal Party organs many decades ago, the NDP's social democratic positions on the economy are viewed as a potential assault on the integrity of the market as far as they're concerned.

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